Welcome to the Division of Prevention Science, A Leading Force in Prevention Research Innovation.
We are dedicated to transformative research, bridging communities, and overcoming health inequities through high-impact prevention.
We are home to the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS), the Center of Excellence for Transgender Health, the UCSF Prevention Research Center (PRC), and the Health Equity Action Network.

Únete a Jesús Ramírez-Valles desde San Francisco mientras explora el impacto de la ciencia ciudadana en la salud. Descubre cómo puedes influir en la investigación y la salud pública uniéndote a 'All of Us' este Mes de la Ciencia Ciudadana.
Join Jesús Ramírez-Valles from San Francisco as he shares his journey from ordinary citizen to influential researcher & professor. Discover how YOU can make a difference in health science with 'All of Us'. Let's reduce health disparities together.